Have you ever sat in a meeting and wanted to speak up and share your views but lacked the confidence to do so?
Maybe you have been asked to speak to a group and made an excuse or else just mumbled together a few words and sat down again as quick as you could.
Or maybe you know you are terrified of speaking in public, but you just avoid every situation where you have to.
If that sounds like you, then Toastmasters is the answer. We now have a Toastmasters club running here in the Bay and we would love you to come along and see how Toastmasters can make a difference for you.
Come along to one of our meetings and give it a try. We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 6.30pm at Lyttelton Community Board Room, 25 Canterbury Street, Lyttelton.
We would love to see you there. Check out the Toastmasters website to find out more: www.toastmasters.org.nz or phone Jann on 021 2631040.