Are you interested in joining the local Emergency Preparedness team? Learn how to "Be Prepared, not just scared". Community minded people are needed to man the local Sector Post (Governors Bay School) in an emergency, reporting on the emergency situation, providing reconnaissance and managing the information flow from the affected communities in the area to Civil Defence Headquarters. Training for radio communications to emergency operations management is available to those who which to increase their skills in these areas.
If you wish to volunteer for Civil Defence, contact the Sector Post Supervisor Frances James at governorsbaycivildefence@gmail.com, or 021 100 1234 or come to one of our meetings held on the third Wednesday of every month (except December), usually at the Governors Bay School which is also our designated Civil Defence Welfare Centre.
For information on how to prepare for an emergency, see https://getready.govt.nz/. In the event of an emergency please ring our Sector Post cell phone 022 3099 702, or Frances James on 021 100 1234.